Blog — Brewing guides
Brewing Guide • Pour Over - V60 & Chemex
Pour over • V60 & Chemex The difference between Chemex and V60 is the thicker Chemex filter. Some prefer grinding a tad coarser for Chemex since water will flow a little slower. The technique is the same. What you'll need: Fresh coffee beans, a grinder, a V60 or Chemex, a V60 or Chemex filter, a scale, a timer, a kettle.Grind size: Medium Recipe: 18g of fresh ground coffee, 300 ml of water boiling waterTotal time: 7 minutesEffort: Some precision required Step 1: Bring 400ml of fresh water to a boil. As you wait, grind 18g of fresh coffee. Step 2: Place...
Brewing Guide • Clever Dripper
Clever Dripper What you'll need: Fresh coffee beans, a Clever Dripper, a filter (Chemex or #4), a scale, a grinder, a kettle, a spoon. Grind size: MediumRecipe: 18g ground coffee, 300 ml of boiling water Time: 5 minutesEffort: Minimal Step 1: Bring 400ml of fresh water to a boil. As you wait, grind 18g of fresh coffee. Step 2: Once water is boiling, place filter in the Clever Dripper and rinse the filter, release water in your mug to preheat it also. Step 3: Place Clever Dripper on scale, tare scale to 0. Step 4: Put 18g of coffee in the Clever dripper, tare scale. Step 5: Pour 300 ml of...
Brewing Guide • Aeropress
AeroPress There are many different ways to brew with an AeroPress. Regular method, inverted method, diluted or not, different ratios, grind sizes and brewing times. Browse online, try new ones, have fun with it! This is a basic recipe to start you off. What you'll need: Fresh coffee beans, an AeroPress, a scale, a grinder, a kettle. Grind size: MediumRecipe: Inverted method, 15g ground coffee, 200 ml hot water (full AeroPress)Time: 5 minutesEffort: Minimal Step 1: Bring 300ml of fresh water to a boil. As you wait, grind 15g of fresh coffee. Step 2: Place plunger on, closing off the top of the main AeroPress piece. Flip...
Brewing Guide • French Press
French Press What you'll need: Fresh coffee beans, a french press, a scale, a grinder, a kettle, a spoon. Grind size: MediumRecipe: 18g ground coffee, 300 ml of boiling water Time: 5 minutesEffort: MinimalStep 1: Bring 400ml of water to a boil. As you wait, grind 18g of fresh coffee. Step 2: Once water is boiling, pour some water in the French Press to preheat it, then transfer the hot water to your mug to preheat it as well and set aside. Step 3: Place French Press on scale, tare scale to 0. Step 4: Put 18g of coffee in...